About CLS Geo Solutions
CLS Geo Solutions LLC is a new Texas Oil & Gas service company specialized on data integration and processing, quantitative (QI) seismic interpretation and geomodelling.
By applying proven specialized workflows and having the support of highly effective and qualified strategic alliances, CLS provides integrated and data-driven geophysical solutions for reservoir characterization including: seismic processing and data enhancing, rock physics modeling, petrophysical and geological services, seismic attributes and quantitative analysis, static & dynamic (seismic) reservoir geomodelling, engineering simulation, fractures mapping and pre-drilling hazard evaluation in conventional and unconventional (shales) fields.
Our Commitment
Accelerate reservoir insight and reduce pre-drilling hazards.
Main Advisors and Founders
Maria Donati
- (+20 yr.) Seismic processing specialist (P, PS and SS seismic data) for Oil & Gas reservoir characterization and fracture mapping. Earned her MSc. degree as an Exploration Geophysicist from the University of Calgary (UofC).
Nicolas Martin
- (+25 yr.) Reservoir geophysicist with proven experience on data integration and quantitative analysis (QI) for reservoir characterization. Earned his MSc. degree from the University of Calgary (UofC).